Monday, May 3, 2010

Getting Back on Track

So I've now lived in my new apartment since the end of February, and it finally feels like things are starting to fall into place. Granted I got over my ex already (finding another woman in your bed just expedites that process, let me tell you) and I was seeing another guy briefly, and my friends and I are on track more than ever now that I can hang out with MY friends rather than just my ex's friends, but I was still feeling slightly off.

Now, I'm a little nuerotic- read my blog or know me at all and this will become abundantly clear- so I tend to do a lot of internal psychological analysis (this is just a habit I have, things happen in my life or to my friends and I look for a bigger pattern, or what it could mean, etc.) because I'm weird, but hey, it works for me so whatever, and here is what I've got:

I tend to read several books at a time. One for each genre/mood- this way I have reading for every mood and occasion. Since I first rented my apartment until this past Friday, I had not FINISHED reading ONE book! NOT ONE! I've started several (Slash's autobiography Slash, Sophie's World, The Watchmen, Seduction and the Secret Power of Women: The Lure of Sirens and Mermaids, How to be Single- just to name a few) but just haven't had the umph needed to finish them. Well, last week before our weekly Glee party (I am SUCH a Gleek by the way- so on board with that show!!!!) my girl-friend Rachel brought me more of the Sookie Stackhouse novels- and since Thursday I've finished two of them: Club Dead and Dead to the World. This was great for me! Because I usually finish at least one or two books a month (based on time available, obsession status, and length) my not finishing a single book in several months was starting to bother me. I would start more and just get half way through them and stop. To me, this screamed, "this is part of a larger problem" and I really think it was. My break-up was hard on me and I've been working long hours, and my commitment and attention span hasn't been what it used to be- so the fact that I have made a stand for myself that I really needed to make (no, I won't go over that online thankyouverymuch) and finally finished a few books, I feel like my old self> and DAMN HAVE I MISSED WHO I USED TO BE!! So guess what world? This officially means "The Bitch is back!!"

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