Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why you don't hassle a Heifer, article: 852,346

My car insurance tried to screw me over- to which I essentially replied with, "OOH HEEELLLL TO THE NOOOO!!!" and they said, "you know what, you're right" to which I replied "FUCKING RIGHT!"


Hi Joe,

Now having a few moments to consider our conversation and the situation, I am becoming more concerned over my need to pay anything back. I understand your position as a company, however, I would like to formally state my objections to the reimbursement expectation.

I was rear-ended with the force of two vehicles, all that I am guilty of is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As a result, I went through a serious Fibromialgia Flare-up and sought Chiropractic Care because I was assured it would be taken care of by the insurance company- I was either led to believe or misunderstood that the said insurance company was the company that covered the person who caused the accident- I was not aware that these amounts were being taken from (or associated with) MY policy as I had NOTHING to do with the accident. Someone hit the person behind me, and that person slammed into me- this gives TWO OTHER insurance companies that could be liable for the payment of my claim, and yet were not. Were they even addressed with this issue or did you automatically associate the costs to my account? Had I been better informed that A) these expenses were being associated with my policy rather than the policy of the person who caused the accident, I would have suffered with minimum treatment as the monetary obligations that come with health care are not always feasible; B) I would have been expected to pay these expenses back I would have suffered without seeking ANY treatment for the same reason previously outlined. As a direct result of your inattention or deliberate misleading in this situation I have officially been given more problems from the seeking of treatment than it was worth.

Again, as a working professional (HR/Office Manager for an international company) I very much understand your company's position, however I do not agree with it. I find it partially immoral and certainly without consideration for the person you are demanding payment from. The accident happened in October of 2009, and I heard nothing further about it after I initiated chiropractic care. Again, that was two years ago, however, it wasn't until a few months ago that I was re-contacted about this accident and pretty much encouraged to seek a Bodily Injuries Claim from the offending driver's insurance company. Once I did so, I was then informed that because I received such a claim that the money allocated towards my medical treatment needed to be paid back- this was never previously outlined nor given as even a distinct possibility. To me, this looks like a premeditated action for the receipt of funds by your company as well as the deliberate withholding of information that directly involved myself and my paycheck. If that is the case you should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. If this is not the case, you should still be embarrassed over the lack of care being given (or not given as the case may be) to your paying customers. Either way, I am left not only with a feeling of being manipulated, but also of being mistreated (whether by negligence or malice doesn't much matter at this point) by your staff in the handling of this matter.

As previously stated, I have Fibromialgia, a serious and barely manageable disease in it's own right; however, I also have IBS, Tendinitis in both wrists, Sacroillitis, and I also suffer from depression- as you can imagine, treating these conditions is costly- the money that was given to me from the Bodily Injuries claim went to pay off medical bills associated with my several conditions and not a lot is left. While I do appreciate your willingness to work out a payment plan, I have no intention of paying the $133/month for 15 months until I have been satisfied that it is moral and right for me to do so (and yes, I am leaving the burden of proof to you), and also after I have been assured that all avenues to reclaim this money from someone/somewhere else have been exhausted. Please note that it is not my explicit intent to be difficult or deny payment; and if you can prove to me that it is right and moral for me to abide by the aforementioned payment plan I will do so. This is a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money to be paid over a LONG period of time, and yet I had NO warning of even the possibility of it, no time to budget- NOTHING.

This is what bothers me most: you, as a company, are expecting me to give you a very large out-of-pocket expense over a very long period of time with an extremely tardy and slippery explanation in what has been a bit of a deceiving process without even a by-your-leave. Under the circumstances I find the expectation of payment both impractical and callous. Please discuss my case with your Supervisors/Managers and come back to me.


(A very pissed off Heifer Walrus)

To which they replied 10 days later:

Hello Heather,

Progressive Choice Insurance Co agrees to waive the Medpay subrogation claim of $2,000.00 for you and your accident of 10-6-09. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

Thank You,



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