It's especially not easy when you don't receive the positivity and understanding you need. It's hard for people to understand an "invisible" chronic disease. Or any "invisible" disease really- let's be real. But hearing, "you look fine." "you never hang out." "get over it." after a while, it all adds up, and then you have a bad day, and that bitch Negative Nelly is back and worse than ever.
It's hard not to wonder "what did I do to deserve this?" Or to think, "this isn't fair" or to wonder when you're going to get a break.
I'm trying really hard to be positive, to surround myself with positive people who will support me and most importantly understand my limitations, and yet every once in a while I loose it and I'm down in the dumps again and it feels like I have to start all over again (on the 'focus on the positive' front).
It's going to get better. It's going to get better. The longer I work at being positive and stay with my health plan it will get better.
If you say it often enough it becomes true, right....?