Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If you say it Often Enough, it Becomes True, Right?

When you have a chronic illness, it's not always easy to stay positive. Put up all the 'positive reinforcement' notes you want, sometimes it just hits you. BAM! Negative Nelly puts up shop in your brain and there you are, feeling down. Again.

It's especially not easy when you don't receive the positivity and understanding you need. It's hard for people to understand an "invisible" chronic disease. Or any "invisible" disease really- let's be real. But hearing, "you look fine." "you never hang out." "get over it." after a while, it all adds up, and then you have a bad day, and that bitch Negative Nelly is back and worse than ever.

It's hard not to wonder "what did I do to deserve this?" Or to think, "this isn't fair" or to wonder when you're going to get a break.

I'm trying really hard to be positive, to surround myself with positive people who will support me and most importantly understand my limitations, and yet every once in a while I loose it and I'm down in the dumps again and it feels like I have to start all over again (on the 'focus on the positive' front).

It's going to get better. It's going to get better. The longer I work at being positive and stay with my health plan it will get better.

If you say it often enough it becomes true, right....?

1 comment:

  1. The secret to happiness is wanting what you already have.
