Friday, January 24, 2014

We clearly have a differnt opionion regarding the definition of "immoral"

I read an article today about how religious non-profits don't want to comply with the new ObamaCare law that would require them to give free contraception to their employees because they find contraception "immoral."

To me, asking someone to be a parent when they don't want to be, or can't be (whether due to an illness- mental or physical, or due to financial circumstances) is immoral. The child raised in that environment isn't being given their best chance and are probably going to suffer for it.

God said populate the earth, and guess what, we did! We did such a good job that we can't feed all the people on this planet, yet we insist on creating life after life- is it any wonder we've turned to science to help fill the void on our tables? Having "fake" food is better than no food at all, but what health consequences will come along from having a diet of "fake" food? And is sentencing someone to a lifetime of not having enough to eat or not having access to "real" food 'moral?'

Population control is not "immoral," planned parenthood is not "immoral," but imposing your beliefs on someone else and making them suffer for it IS.

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