Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day should be revoked

Columbus day? Really? All that fool did was get lost, kill thousands of Aborigines, and possibly seduce a Queen. Okay granted, if he really did seduce Queen Isabella, that's pretty cool, but not worthy of a National Holiday! Now, I'm all for Guido's in history, but can we celebrate someone who KNEW what he was doing please? Like DaVinci, now HE needs his own national holiday! That fool was a GENIUS!!!

Columbus day shouldn't be a holiday, at least not for anyone over the age of eight. And frankly, I don't believe in kiddy-coating history anyway. Don't tell kids that Columbus knew what he was doing or that the Pilgrims and the Indians got along. Just tell the truth! No wonder our education system is a joke! The truth is the truth, kiddy-coat it all you want but it doesn't change facts.

So revoke Columbus Day, IT'S TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRAP!!!!

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