Monday, January 17, 2011

FUCK our "Health Care" System!

Here is today's example of how awful our "Health Care" System and Health Care "Professionals" are. Enjoy:

I was unable to pick up my new patient paperwork before going to see the Doctor today, so as instructed, I arrived early to fill out the paperwork- which I did- which the doctor didn't even really look at- but I'm getting ahead of myself.

My appointment was at 4pm, at 4:23 I was still waiting to be seen.

I was taken to the back and weighed and had my temperature and blood pressure taken at 4:40pm. I did not see the Nurse record the results.

Two and a half (long) Newsweek articles later the Doctor shows up and did nothing to instill confidence in his abilities. He stammered, did not make eye contact, and didn't really do much at all except order more labs and x-rays. Oh! He also didn't give me the information on the pain medication he said he would give me.

When he gave me my prescriptions for my x-rays he told me: since they are doing x-rays of my lower back and my uterus would be exposed to radiation, that he ordered me a pregnancy test and that I should wait for the results before getting my x-rays.


He did not ask me if I had a boyfriend, if I was seeing anyone, if I was sexually active at the moment, or if I was a dirty irresponsible whore who needed a pregnancy test. Not one personal question! Only assumptions!

Needless to say I was OFFENDED! SO FUCKINIG OFFENDED! I haven't had sex in awhile, I'm not pregnant, I'm not slutty, and before you order something like a pregnancy test for someone, you should probably ASK FIRST. ESPECIALLY if I have to pay for it! If he had started with, "we will be taking an x-ray of your lower back which will expose your uterus to radiation, would you like me to order you a pregnancy test before you have the x-ray just to make sure" I would have had a COMPLETELY different reaction towards the whole thing. But to just ASSUME that I needed a pregnancy test? And this is after I left work early only be left waiting in a waiting area with three screaming boys under 7 for an hour, not to mention the $40 co-pay that I had to dish out for the privilege.

THIS is what our health care system is. Ineffective, presumptuous, offensive, and not focused on the patient, their needs, their schedules, or their charts. I think he GLANCED at my chart, and I'm telling you, with me, you need to do more than GLANCE. My family's medical history alone needs explanation and he asked me NOTHING. Oh sure, he asked if it hurt when he applied pressure to certain places, but I've been to A LOT of doctors, I know that good from the bad, and seriously, he was bad.

I tried to call the Doctor's office when I got home to complain about the pregnancy test assumption, but they don't even have an answering machine service to take calls after hours.

Also, I intend to know WHY I need to pay a co-pay when I'm left waiting for that long. There weren't a lot of other patients, it was like a tomb in there.

I run an office, I can't just take time off work all the time to go see these damn doctors! They do not offer flexible hours, no late appointments or Saturdays offered, and they aren't even prompt in keeping their appointment schedules, and yet you have to pay a co payment to miss work for the privilege? How do they think we afford to go see them? BY WORKING! You would think that they would realize that and either make the hours flexible or waive the co payment when you have to wait to be seen for more than 30 minutes.



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