Monday, February 7, 2011

Hilarity from Hoag Hospital

So today I went in for x-rays, and I just find the hilarity in everyday life, and I thought I'd share it with you today. Enjoy!

When I was "checking in" with the "receptionist" who was taking all my information she asked me if I had been here before. I responded with, "Yup, I'm in medical offices so much I should be dating a doctor by now." Her response: "Well honey, there's still a chance."

Bahahahahahahahahaha!!! That was probably my favorite.

While in the waiting room I once again felt the need to stress the fact that I feel our Health Care system should work just like frequent flyer miles, the more you use it the more you get for free. Like, two office visits gets you free blood work or something. I need more perks in my health care FOR SURE!

When the unsuspecting young asian radiologist took me back he said, "Okay Miss Wallace I need you to remove your pants and your bra." I'm telling you, his face when I said, "Yeah, I've heard that before" was PRICELESS. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

Sometimes I say or do things just to watch it happen. Not gonna lie. And that was just one of those times you can't pass up.

He also got VERY flustered when he lost his marker in my horrible loaner x-ray pants, which was hi-larious. Keeping a straight face was difficult to say the least. Poor kid.

He also apologized when I had to stay in a position that aggravated my pain, and really, "It's okay, that's why I'm here." No really, he was worried, but honey, that is why I'm getting the x-ray in the first place, stop flustering and push the "go" button and get on with it. I can take the pain. It's fine, promise.

Also, the idiot doctor from my last post may have ordered me an s1 x-ray rather than an si x-ray. IDIOT!!!!!!!

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