Monday, January 9, 2012

throwing up

how many times do you think someone vomits in their lifetime? hundreds? thousands? babies puke more than cokerspaniels and some of us continue to do so for the rest of our lives while others develop "steel stomachs." me personally, my body even smells something it doesn't want anything to do with and it's puke-a-palooza, but despite the repetitive nature of this act we never get used to it do we? we never think, "just a few more times and this will be a breeze." unlike learning to drive or ride a bike vomiting doesn't require lessons or concentration. it's a natural reflect much like blinkingx involuntary and even necessary for the body's protection, but it's always, ALWAYS horrible. it doesn't feel like your expunging partially digested food and stomach acid, but your will to live as well.

human beings are such adaptive creatures. within a small amount of time we can get used to just about anything except for something as natural as puking. I call bullshit.

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