Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fibro Journal

Since being diagnosed with Fibromialgia I've done a lot of reading, research, and talking with my Dr.. Now, I am not the kind of girl who is good at taking pills every day let alone the kind of girl who has it in her to keep a medical journal, but with my symptoms persisting, more frequent flare-ups, and after 10 years of chronic pain and nausea- I've started a Fibro-Journal. Well, I've started taking better notes about what symptoms I feel and when in the day I feel them, and I have a few other cut outs and notes I want to consolodate in there as well. Different meds I've heard of, notes on research I find interesting- things like that.

I want to try and be more proactive about my health- expecially as it seems to be getting worse.

Has anyone out there ever kept a medical diary of any kind? Any pointers?

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