Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The hardest lesson I ever had to learn is: love isn't always enough

I've had two very serious relationships, and unfortunately, one thing that I've learned during those relationships is that no matter how much you love someone, or how much they love you, love isn't always enough. For a relationship to be everything that it can be and needs to be it takes more than love, it takes like-mindedness, open mindedness, endless compromise, complete trust, and you have to want the same thing for your future together (among countless other details) for everything to run smoothly.

I am currently remembering that lesson right now, and it is really making this transition so much easier for me. Me and my now ex-boyfriend are still very much in love, but he has decided that children are no longer in his future, and so I had to leave. I’ve always seen myself as a mother and that is a non-negotiable for me. So I am now licking my wounds and am moving into an apartment where I will be on my own for the first time in my life. I am really trying to stay positive, but I feel like my entire future was laid before my feet and the carpet was just ripped out from under me and I find myself wondering where that beautiful carpet has gone. It is amazing how quickly things change, but I am very very fortunate that I am blessed with the friends and family that I have. They are what is keeping me going, and keeping busy is what is keeping me from breaking down.

I am a very strong person- I always have been and I hope to God I always will be. But one has to wonder how many times a tree can bend before it breaks in half.

I’m hoping I’m filled with bamboo rather than oak.

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