Wednesday, April 7, 2010

College Grad- put that in your pipe and smoke it!

So while I technically graduated from CSUF in December, I just got my degree in the mail yesterday,and I walk in May.

This is how the epic moment went down:

So after work I walked to my mailbox like a normal day- but when I saw a package that said, "do not bend" from the Commencement Department at CSUF I knew what it was immediately. I booked it (I walked quickly as I am against running unless my life is on the line) to my pad- slammed the door (terrified my children/cats)carefully ripped open the package, and screamed like I had just won a million dollars!!!! With no one else around I was content to jump up and down in my living room screaming "IT CAME IT CAME IT CAME IT CAME IT CAME!!!!!" I'm pretty sure my neighbors all think I'm a complete nutter now (well to be fair... I have my moments, lol)but they can eat me- I'M A GODDAMNED COLLEGE GRADUATE!!! I bought and paid for my education so I'll scream like a banshee if I want to damn it!

From there I picked up my phone, called my Dad, and proceeded to scream "MY DEGREE CAME IN THE MAIL MY DEGREE CAME IN THE MAIL MY DEGREE CAME IN THE MAIL!!!!!!" Until he just started laughing and said "Good job babe, I'm proud of you." I then promptly hung up and called Grandma. Grandpa picked up the phone and he asked technical questions (because he's grandpa and that's how his mind works) which made me lose my buzz a little- which sucks because if Grandma had picked up the phone she would have screamed along with me, but whatever, I love them all! So I sent out a mass text informing EVERYONE (except my mother and my new chew toy as they don't need to be that involved in my life) called a few more people and proceeded to be stoked on life for the rest of the night. Well, I'm still stoked- day two- so this buzz may last a while!

It's weird, I never let myself get excited about things until I have them because I've had too many things not work out or get ripped away from me, so I never really felt like I did it (although the $10,000 missing from my bank account should have told me); but now that I have that piece of paper I feel like I'm on top of the world!

From there the night went on like this:

Got my ass properly kicked by Gina in my chick boxing class (for info go to it's a kickboxing class aimed towards fitness and self defense specifically for women- I LOVE that studio! GO!) then went down to the LBC for some good old fashioned karaoke time with the bestie, our friend John, and his pals.

Needless to say it was an EPIC day.

Check out my epicness:

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