Thursday, April 1, 2010

Speed limits are the most retarded things E-VER

I've been thinking about this the last few days, and I think that we should ban all speed limits- and I'm not even being a smart ass, I'm totally serious. I'm sick and tired of being punished just because most people have neither the IQ or the common sense to get through life without ruining it for everyone else. Just because some people suck at life doesn't mean we need 10,000 laws telling the rest of the normally functioning society that we can't do things because the idiots out there may hurt themselves. Let them get hurt!! We have an over population problem anyway! It's time that we stop pandering to the stupid people and start pandering to the intelligent!

Let me explain: I know how to drive my car safely at 100mph, not everyone can- if you can't then you shouldn't do it, and if you do it anyway, your license should be revoked for reckless driving and endangerment. Similarly, if you drive that fast with too many people around, even if you can do it "safely" (I use quotations as it's not safe to drive that fast with too many other drivers on the road) you shouldn't, and your license should be revoked because you're a dumb ass. If you don't know to slow down in residential areas and near schools you're an idiot and you shouldn't be allowed to drive. It's relatively simply, no?

I also think that we should use a point system rather than a ticket system. Driving too fast is minus so many points, etc. etc., and once you run out of points you lose your license- there is a similar system functioning rather nicely in the UK right now. This ensures that all dumb asses stay off the road and don't plow into the rest of us who actually know what they're doing.

There are just too many damn laws in this country, and 90% of them are pointless. If you're too stupid to drive your car and talk on the phone then don't talk on the phone while driving, it's not that difficult! If you don't want to wear your seat belt then don't, and we will all applaud your distance when you get launched during a collision. If you're too drunk to drive and do anyway, we should beat your ass with a stupid stick. These are all solved by people using common sense, but really? I'm so tired of being punished for knowing how to eat, shift gears, talk on the phone, and dance to my radio while driving 80 miles an hour.

I would also like to add that the only car accident I've been in was when I was rear ended at a dead stop- I've never been the cause of an automobile accident.

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