Friday, April 23, 2010

Today is Saint George's Day- and I may be a crazy person

I work for a company based in London, and my boss is English (NOT Brittish, lol), so today, on the national holiday named after their patron saint, he sang a song from Jolly Old about England, and this got my mind a-wandering...

Yesterday I walked to the beach with one of my best girl-friends Rachel, and I mentioned how I think it's complete shit that St. George was sainted for killing a dragon when there are no damn dragons. After my boss brought up St. George AGAIN my subconcious (that bastard) took it as a sign that I need to think about this more seriously.

And then I went on Facebook- and this is how it went down, because, as previously mentioned, I may be a crazy person.

my status: happy st. george's day!
Then I made a comment: also: something to ponder- if there are no dragons, then what on earth did he do to gain saint status? kill a gila monster? not likely to be found in europe, so what was he then, a terrific liar?

Then I made another comment: sorry to keep nagging on this but once my brain starts it doesn't stop until it bloody well wants to.

so if this so-called saint was obviously a liar (unless there really are dragons and in which case i'm going to require one IMMEDIATELY), what does that make the catholic church/pope who approved his saintly status? ignorant? naieve? in on the lie?

and if they knew he didn't actually kill a dragon- what does that say about the institution, the process of this religion and it's dominant attractions?

or perhaps this ties in with the era where they were selling indulgences because they needed the money- perhaps he just bought his way in... indulgences by the way, is when they were LITERALLY (this is an actual FACT- martin luther had a lot to say about this actually) selling passes into heaven- people were literally paying a fee to have their sins taken off their permanent record.

that all sounds very morally upstanding and holy doesn't it?

I then posted this on Rachel's wall: you know how i was going on about how that fool didn't kill a dragon yesterday? please see my wall and note how freaking crazy i am. lol

She then posted this on my status: ya know you are not in school anymore, You dont have to think this much!

To which I replied: but this is just how my mind works! cognitive thinking isn't something you can just turn off!

plus i'll be going back soon so i can't get out of practice!

and a beautiful mind is such a tragedy when it's wasted...

To which she said: alright, fair enough.

Then my boss mentioned it's also either Shakespeare's day (good old billy wiggly-stick) or poet's day, which got my mind a-wandering once again...

So on my status I wrote: also, apparently, he was a christian who stood up to the roman's for their unfair treatment of christians at the time- fair enough. i'd saint him for that. but what the dragon??!!! also, it is highly unlikely he ever actually made it to england! he was just trapesing around the continent!

also: now this is just highly ironic: Shakespeare was born ... See Moreon 23 April 1564 and he died on the same day in 1616- hmm.... perhaps he just got creative with his resume and thought he could write like shakespeare (ignore the hundreds of years between them please, it's just an ironic point) hmmm...

Then good old Rachel said: hahahahaha you make me happy!

Please note that NONE of my other friends commented, and like I said, I may be a crazy person.

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