Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thoughts of a Negative Nelly

Tons of thoughts have been going through my head lately, here are the ones that pop up the most

  • damn, sometimes living alone sucks
  • training your new boss (that no one told you was going to be your boss) to do your job sucks monkey balls
  • cooking for one is PATHETIC and makes me want to cry
  • work is crazy
  • I work too damn hard and deserve a raise... but I also know I won't get one
  • cleaning your house after three days of drunk people hanging out in it SUCKS
  • I need a damn vacation
  • work is crazy
  • I need to lose my morals and find a rich man to take me on vacation... and also to purchase internet and tivo for my place
  • I hate stupid people.
  • work is crazy

clearly I'm a negative Nelly right now. Guh. Let's hope life slows down so I can catch up and as a result feel less negative about the universe!

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