Monday, July 19, 2010

Things I'll NEVER stop wanting

There are some things in life that you just can't give up on. Things that you know will never come true but you can't help but yearn for. I find it absolutely appalling that I can't/don't have these things... and yet, at this point, just the wanting them has become hilarious in and of itself... until I think about ACTUALLY having them and HOW COOL it would be. :sigh: Why God did you chose to "bless" me with such an active imagination? So unfair.

1. THE FORCE!: Why God do you taunt me with The Force? I WANT IT!!! I want to be a freaking Jedi soooooo bad!! I want to play mind tricks, and jump really high, and move things with my mind, sooooo cool. (Yes I know, I'm a dork face, I know. But that doesn't make Star Wars any less cool!!!)

2. A WARDROBE TO NARNIA!: Again, God you horrible tease! Alternate universes are so cool, I want one! I want to talk to trees and beavers and fauns! Guh! Life is so unfair! hahaha

3. I WANT TO BE BFF'S WITH FAMOUS PEOPLE!: They just seem more interesting than normal people (Penny in Almost Famous was right!) I want to have a domino night with Hugh Hefner, be BFF's with Slash, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to make an album with U2, and I would LOVE to date Mathew Morrison... he's a damn dream boat. lol

4. A PERSONAL LIBRARY: Okay, as an English major, book nerd, and biblio, I am currently on my way to creating my own library, but my dream is to have a lovely library like the one in Beauty and the Beast... I would like it to also be filled with super cool antiques!!!

5. A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY: My goal in life is to be infallible, and just knowledgeable about EVERYTHING, my horrible memory is just not cutting it!!! guh!

So those are my top five impossible wishes, if anyone can help me out PLEASE DO IT!!!

Thanks! <3

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