Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge: Day Eleven

Today I wore my party shoes, I love my party shoes! Woot woot party shoes! I can seriously be on my feet for nine or ten hours in these shoes and still go! ATTENTION SHOE LOVERS: This shape is another one of those "it doesn't hurt that bad to wear this style of shoe" shoes! The height in the sole compensates for the height of the heel, woohoo! I love these shoes, I've had these shoes since high school. I bought them for a prom or formal, or some sort of dance, I wore a ROCKIN skin tight dress (that I still have actually- and it still fits- snap), anyway, they have been my go to shoes ever since. As you can see I have literally imprinted myself in these shoes I wear them so often, and the straps are a little bit frayed, but you know what, they are still hot, and I will wear them until they die. PS: When I saw Jacque today the first thing she said was, "Oh, you're wearing your party shoes!" One more yeah for the party shoes! Yeah! In other news: the wearing of cute outfits, the matching of jewlery, and the actual application of make-up is still happening! Yes! I also went to beach and put on a new pair of shoes, my favorite ;) In them I had a wonderful A-HA moment: I think one of the reasons I hate exercising so much is because workout shoes are hideous and usually white. And I HATE white shoes. I find them ugly and distracting. But then, I am pretty much prejudiced against the color white in any real dominance. I find the color blaring. Too boring,to pure, ugly, distracting. Blech. Ugly color!

1 comment:

  1. White is not a color. You need an editor. I am available... for a price... ;)
