Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge: Day Four

Today's shoes: boots with attitude! (heel, 4") Aaaahh, my first day of boots :) How I love boots, they are so awesome! You get all the sauciness of a high heel, the warmth of pants, AND ankle support, what's not to love? Plus you get to wear socks and that gives you some extra cushion against obnoxious shoe rubbing and the pain of heels. Apart from ridiculous stilettos I think boots may be my favorite footwear (Well, of footwear that is actually shoes anyway; my hippy heart loves bare feet and sandals, but if I have to wear shoes I want them to be HOT HOT HOT!!!). In other news, this whole actually look cute thing seems to be working. My boss once again demanded to see my shoes (and that's a lot coming from a man), one of my coworkers (female) told me I looked hot, and walking out of traffic court (why there are speed limits is beyond me. See previous blogs for my thoughts on traffic laws. I'll give you a hint: I think they're horse shit!) I even got an "Oh my." Granted this was from a delinquent and a pervert but hey, delinquents and perverts are people to! hahahahahaha, but hey, at least SOMEONE outside my daily life noticed I look good- maybe in the future some awesome hot guy will talk to me because I look awesome, and if not, at least I know my fabulousness is getting out there in the universe! I hope you can handle it universe, because I'm just getting started! Four days down and about forty five/fifty to go! Woohoo!
I LOVE SHOES!!!! This is so much fun it's gross!

I also love fashion, see today's outfit (once again built around my shoes- of course!):

Analysis: yowza! The skirt is about three inches too long for my short status, but it's all good because I don't feel like hemming it.

Who's ready for day five? Because I am!

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