Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge: Day Three

Today's shoes: turquoise patterned wedges (3 3/4" heels)

Today was once again adorable wedges day! Hooray for adorable wedges! And my coworkers are starting to get stoked on my shoes- which is awesome! One of the guys told me he was "loving all the cool shoes" and my boss asked if I would still be wearing fun shoes when he got back from his trip :) When I told him about this challenge he asked how many shoes I had and about how long it would take- and I think I have about 52 pairs of shoes (ish) right now (mind you this is after I down-sized to move in with my ex- of course I've also bought a few pairs since then ;) so I guess on that score we're about even) so I would definitely still be rockin my shit when he gets back next week- and when he leaves again next month, haha. Of course he choked on how many pairs of shoes I have, but you know what? You can't put a price on how fashion makes you feel- and you know what? I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and bright!!! hehehehehehehe

Heels, cute outfits, and jewelery- woohoo! How do you not feel pretty with all that fab on I ask you? Plus heels help with posture and I've been rockin high heels so I actually feel tall! And I never feel tall because I am pequeno! Being 5'3" and feeling tall is always nice because it is SO RARE! But anyway, thus far this experiment is working out well (yes, three days in is a bit premature, sue me) I get to wear all my cute things! Why didn't I think of this before? Oh yeah... my enmity for mornings has gotten in the way, but I am persevering!

Exhibit A:
Analysis: casual cute! You can't tell but my white flower necklace matches the white flowers on my shoes, paired with pearl earrings and cute make-up- holla! Understated but cute.

Now here's a question I'm sure ladies will wonder: how are my feet holding up?.

Well, they're a bit sore, and have been rubbed a bit in places they aren't usually rubbed, so they have tender spots, but who cares! My shoes are fab and I'm willing to suffer! (At the moment- of course I have tennis shoes and flats as well, so I figure I'll work those in when the pain starts.)

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