Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge (Guess this means I should get a pedicure!)

I LOVE shoes!

Let's just get that out in the open. I will never have enough of them no matter how many I have. I could have a pair of shoes for every outfit! In fact, that would be ideal. The problem with this is I am NOT a morning person so I usually can't be bothered to look cute in the morning (or to be a nice person before coffee). There are no available guys at my work and- let's be honest here- even if there were, I still wouldn't care. I never wear make-up and I rock jeans, a tee-shirt, and my Rainbows (aka: the best sandals that money can buy) every day; so I usually end up looking like a damn hot mess. Exhibit A: Analysis: not cute! comfy, cozy even, but NOT cute.

Also, I'm single so I should probably step up the attractive factor (I have a strange vision of peacock feathers whenever I think of that), and I have all of these wonderful beautiful shoes that I wear when I go out or don't have to be somewhere first thing in the morning, but shoes are meant to be worn! Shoes are meant to be seen! Also, you can't rock awesome shoes without an awesome coordinating outfit, and it's almost impossible to feel down when you're outfit is bangin! All that being said, I have decided to wear a different pair of shoes every day until I have worn all my shoes. (This may take a while... probably about two months, I have A LOT of shoes.) I started yesterday, however I didn't know if I would stick to it or not, but here we are, day two and on the second pair of shoes, so it's official- I'm rockin' my footwear bitches!!!!! And here's what I've rocked so far:

Day 1: turquoise suede stilettos (3 1/2" heel) Day 2: rockin wedges (4 1/2" heel)

So let the Shoe Fetish Challenge begin! All hot shoes all the time! This is going to be awesome!

(Would anyone like to join me for a pedicure?)

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