Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge: Days 5 & 6

Day 5: Creepers (3 1/2")

Boy oh boy do these shoes remind me of my high school days :)

I have not worn these shoes in a LONG time, and I forgot how HEAVY they are! You get used to them pretty quickly but I was not as graceful as I usually am! I may have been stumbling around a little, but they are so awesome! I used to wear these shoes all the time in high school, and I LOVE them!! I also tend to wear them in the rain because I can just right walk over puddles in these monsters- which is mighty convenient let me tell you, especially as I hate the cold and the wet almost as much as I hate mornings; but despite the rain there were no large puddles to step over, so they were left to be merely fashionable rather than functionable. However, on the bright side, I did get a few compliments on them- and who doesn't love to hear about how cute your shoes are, I mean really. AAAhhh, I love my creepers, they are so awesome <3 I am so glad I wore them!

Day 6: Chucks (flats)

The best tennis shoe ever invented (and I'll probably own a pair until I die).

These are the only tennis shoes worth wearing in my opinion. High tops, low tops, black, red, green, doesn't matter- just buy these shoes, they are THE BEST. It doesn't feel like you're wearing shoes at all but they protect your feet from all necessary elements. Well, execpt water. We've all trudged through rain in soaked Chucks a time or two. Or maybe it's just a SoCal thing. But I bring my Chucks everywhere. I've walked through Italy, London, Amsterdam, San Francisco, and New York City in Chucks and I'll wear them loyally until I die in every city I visit.

As you can see, this particular pair (I think I've gone through about four pairs now and will need another pair soon- I'm going for high tops this time- I think I'm ready!) has been WORN. They say these boots are made for walkin, well these Chucks are made for walkin! I'd say 90% of the time when I have to wear shoes rather than my normal Rainbows/sandals I slip into my chucks. This particular pair has already done through the original laces and I had to replace them with the black ones you see here. Also, as you can see, these shoes have seen so much action the soles are ripping and the white is all scratched and yellow, but really, Chucks are meant to be dirty. It gives them character. They never look right when they're brand new to me for some reason.

If these shoes could tell stores... hehehe, good thing they can't!

Anyway, I've slipped into my internal Rock Girl the last couple of days, so it will be interesting as I make myself wear a different pair of shoes how I get out of it. Not to mention that week 1 is almost at an end, this challenge is coming along nicely so far I would say! Now, what shoes should I wear tomorrow?


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