Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shoe Fetish Challenge: Days Nine and Ten

Today's shoes: sassy pin up shoes in a lovely shade of cheetah (heel: 3") (rwar!) I love these shoes! They are old school, they are classy, they are just saucy enough, mixed in with a bit of flair (yeah obnoxious velvet bow!). Translation: these shoes are the shit! Plus! They are uber comfortable so you can stomp all over the city and go dancing and you'll be just fine!

Shoe lovers note: This shape of shoe is one the few shapes of high-heeled shoes that forms to your natural arch so you get the lower back support so your feet and your back don't hurt when you wear a shoe shaped like this. (I have a few myself. Two high heeled shoes, and a pair of boots.) You'll feel it when you put them on. Trust.

ps: I also have other shapes of shoes that are built with your body in mind that don't hurt, don't worry, I'll tell you when to look for a hurtless shoe shape!!

Yesterday's shoes: my favorite pair of Harley Davidson riding boots (oh yeah, I have more than one pair. A-oh!)

Can you Just LOOK at these boots! I die for these boots! The kick ass Harley symbol on the heel and the stitching of flames?! HELL YEAH! Of course I bought these boots. I HAD to have these boots!

Why I love Harley Davidson, and why it's okay for cute little me to sport motorcycle gear: I have pictures of me ranging from ages 1 to now of me on the back (or front) of my Dad's motorcycle or my Uncle's. My Dad and my Uncle have been riding since they were boys so bikes have always been around. They always took my sister and I on rides with them. Oh I remember the thrill of going around the block on the motorcycle when we kids! It was so exciting EVERY time, I mean we got PUMPED when we got to ride! And I always LOVE going on bike rides with my Dad, always have always will. It's so fun, and it's so nice to just spend time with him. And riding is my Dad's favorite thing. I mean it's his FAVORITE thing. So it's nice that he shares his joy with me, I really like that about our relationship. And even though my Dad has gone down recently. Twice. (And he was more upset about how busted the bike got rather than how busted up he got- OF COURSE. Men! Guh!) And even though we all know he could go down again, it's still my Dad's favorite. The day he got his first Harley was probably the happiest day of his life. (Excluding his most recent marriage and the births of my sister and I respectively of course. ::smirk::) Needless to say, he has the Harley Davidson emblem (with the eagle and ghost flames- it's pretty sick!) tattooed on his arm to prove how much he loves it and of course he has the matching sticker on his truck.

My Dad's first Harley was a Fat Boy. That is a damn good looking bike! Let me tell you! YOW! He now rides the not as cute Road King. (Sorry, MANLY. Not cute. MANLY. He hates it when I call his manly things cute like I hate that he INSISTS on wearing white socks with black shoes.) He likes it because he goes on the long runs now so he needs the comfort but I don't care I like the Fat Boy better. I've always been aesthetically minded.

Side note: He has to get them all softails bc our legs are short and it makes them lower, hehehehehehe

So, long story short: motorcycles are awesome and it's my Dad's favorite thing and I'll sport Harley gear if I want to!

1 comment:

  1. Really, Dad's most recent marriage? You do realize he and Laura have been married 20 years? You nut.
